Release of Volume 18
It is with great pleasure that we announce the first rolling release of Volume 18 (2016). We have a forum that examines the idea of southern religion in an Atlantic world context. With essays from Thomas J. Little, Christopher Jones, and Alexis Wells, we hope to broaden what we mean when we analyze both the South and religion as categories. Emily Suzanne Clark provides an introductory essay to explain the project and its origins. Jon Sensbach added a concluding article to help us think about ways that this scholarly endeavor might help us to understand the complex beginnings of the region as individuals attempted to carve out their own places for religious expression but also how forces largely beyond their control mitigated those expressions.
We release sixteen new book reviews, as well. With well over half of the reviews covering books published in the past six month, JSR hopes to continue a trend of meeting publication releases with book reviews. We have met that goal in this release. Keith Harper reviews Bob Elders’s The Sacred Mirror, which shipped from UNC Press this week. Our hope is to use the quick release function of the online format to generate book reviews that help scholars in the field, teachers in the classroom, and authors and booksellers in sales.
As with Volume 17 (2015) we will roll out content as it comes available with at least one more forum slated for the year and a group book review. As more book reviews come in, we will also post them to the Current Issue. We hope you enjoy the first release of Volume 18.